Grief is an Expression of Love

~Don’t let someone tell you when to stop grieving. Are they walking in your shoes? Do they feel your pain? Do they know the depths of your loss? Are they you?

As much as someone cares about you and wants to help in your time of loss, they are not you. It is impossible for anyone but you to know the intensity of your pain or the depth of your love.

Someone can be there for you, support you through those early days of loss, and assist you with activities of daily living that may not matter to you at the time.

One thing they cannot do is own your grief for it is yours alone. Grief, like love, is a personal emotion and only you know the depth of it. Grief is an expression of love.~

11 responses to “Grief is an Expression of Love

  1. Pingback: Grief sauce and the Deep « ahimsamaven

  2. Pingback: Wandering with the sleek dog of grief « ahimsamaven

  3. Pingback: She Just Won’t STOP! Me? I need a DRINK! « Finding Ann MacGregor

  4. Pingback: Kinds of Grief « Namaste Consulting Inc.

  5. There is no time limit on grief. It is as individual as the person. Blessings to all here who have lost someone.

  6. Reblogged this on Namaste Consulting Inc. and commented:
    So happy to read this after a weekend of reading theories that suggest that grief should normally regress into the background of our lives within 6 months…. who makes up these rules??????

  7. I do agree with this. I do have to say that sometimes people do need to step in though because the people are not grieving in a healthy way. They turn to drugs or alcohol to “ease” the pain. Sometimes people need help in finding healthy ways to grieve.

  8. free penny press

    Grief is a fickle thing..It comes & goes at it’s own choosing, and yes, it is a beautiful expression of Love. I will forever grieve for my parents, but the memories of love balance the scales..

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